Jerome DeVonni Wilson, Founder
Perhaps my story, Deja Vu, captured your imagination. Maybe it was even
enough to inflame your emotions. Whatever the case, the fact that the scenario was art imitating . . . no, emulating life, doesn’t change the fact that a promise is a promise. Contrary to pop culture, promises are made to be kept. . . at least in my book.
I promised to inform the ladies that black women have a considerably higher rate of death from the disease than white women, though the latter are more likely to develop breast cancer. How wide of a gap is there?
Grand Canyon. . .
Breast cancer mortality is 41% higher in African-American women!
Alarmingly, that’s not the killer part. The killer part is that though among black and white women, breast cancer rates have remained the same (according to records from the greater of the last half a century), in the 1990s when there were some breakthroughs in early detection and treatment options, the mortality for white women dropped by nearly half. However, the death rate decreased by only 23% for black women. It has yet to improve.
Statistical research has revealed that the disparaging disproportion in the numbers of survival has been due to a contrast in higher socio-economic status versus lower, or insured versus uninsured.
In our concerted effort to bring about awareness, and to stand against this monstrous and towering entity, we must let it be known that this is absolutely unacceptable. And then, we must go further than being merely conversational. We must demand that certain measures be taken, certain courses of action put into place to level the playing field here.
This is not a game though. Steven Whitman, Ph.D., Director Sinai Urban Health Institute in Chicago, said that a recent study that he conducted found that 1,722 black women die “needlessly” each year due to the crisis mentioned above.
America, we have an enemy in our midst. . .
Pink Poetry Nation’s Promise
Pink Poetry Nation’s Mission Statement
Pink Poetry Nation is the Pink Party Nation that strives to build a diverse community and support network where hearts coalesce to beat one pulse and serve as a constant motivating force to H.E.A.L. through Hope, Education, Art and Love. PPN will share pain as well as empower, inspire, and uplift those touched directly or indirectly by breast cancer.